Siyavula Platform Product Changelog
We provide notes related to user-facing items or significant developments that will impact our users' overall experience of the site.
Routine updates and system upgrades are not listed.
13. Decimals - 1. Ordering & comparing decimals
Converting simplified fractions into decimals
19. Transformation geometry - 3. Rotations & enlargements
Calculate the length of a side of a triangle after an enlargement (or reduction)
Enlarging or reducing a rectangle about the origin
Area of a rectangle before and after an enlargement (or reduction)
Perimeter of a rectangle before and after an enlargement (or reduction)
14. Algebraic expressions (Part 2): factorisation - 3. Simplifying algebraic fractions
Adding algebraic fractions with numerical denominators
Multiplying algebraic fractions
18. Transformation geometry- 1. Translations
Identify the translated shape
Describe the translation, given coordinates of a point and its image
5. Trigonometry (Part 1) - 4. Solving trigonometric equations
Pythagoras theorem in complex diagrams
13. Measurements - 2. Right prisms and cylinders
Surface area of a cylinder
Internal maintenance and upgrades.
Released the configuration for the 2024 #1MillionMaths Campaign in South Africa which takes place during October.
Internal maintenance and upgrades.
We've fixed a bug that caused an error on the learner report.
We've added subject and grade context to question items, this means that we can now surface different versions of the same template depending on the subject or grade context in which the question item is being completed - i.e. an item created for grade 10 Mathematicss could be surfaced to grade 8 learners with simplified content.
An updated version of our Practice algorithm will now be experienced by all learners. This new version identifies when a learner is struggling in a specific section and then can serve remedial content linked to that section or even targeted remediation content where learners are struggling with one specific question.
Remedial content is predmoninantly available in Mathematics Grade 8 for South Africa's CAPS curriculum at this time.

Internal maintenance and upgrades.
We've added an alert message to the teacher verification request page to inform them that new verification requests may be delayed.

Learners are now able to select the new Ghanaian curriculum when signing up or updating their profile information. The curriculum alignment has been completed for these subject-grade/level combinations:
Basic 7 (Junior High School 1)
Basic 8 (Junior High School 2)
Basic 9 (Junior High School 3)
Decimals - Ordering & comparing decimals
Tenths on the number line
Hundredths on the number line
Transformation geometry - Translations
Translate a rectangle
Transformation geometry - Reflections
Reflecting a rectangle about the x- or y-axis
Reflect a triangle about the x- or y-axis
Internal maintenance and upgrades.
Siyavula curated assignments now correctly show Siyavula as the assignment sender.
We've fixed a bug that would cause curated assignments sent to grade classes to be recorded as a "real" class in the database.
New curriculum, Ghana is live!
Users have had access to a link to share an assignment with someone else, but we have recently been finalising a set of assignments that many teachers have found useful and so we are making them more broadly available.
These assignments have either been created by our team or curated by our team. The new Curated Assignments feature allows users who can send assignments to send these pre-created, curated assignments to their classes. These assignments can be found by clicking on the Curated Assignments button on the Assignment Sneding page

We will add to this list of assignments over time. To start off with, they include a set of summary assessments for each chapter in the Mathematics Grade 8-12 CAPS curriculum.

Each assignment has been created to align as closely with the Senior- and FET-Phase CAPS guidelines of:
25/20% Knowledge,
45/35% Routine Procedures,
20/30% Complex Procedures, and
10/15% Problem Solving
We've fixed a bug that caused a discrepancy between the teachers listed on the teacher search page between school admins and managers.
Internal maintenance and upgrades.
We've added the latest version of TeX Live to our services along with the legacy version.
We've updated live preview to display shilling decimal separators for Kenya.
Internal maintenance and upgrades.
Internal maintenance and upgrades.
We've fixed a bug that would re-trigger the move on message when practising a question for which it had been surfaced before even though other templates were practised in between.
We've fixed the section numbering sequence of CAPS Physical Sciences Grade 10 - Electric circuits.
We've fixed a bug that caused question browsing to not surface templates according to the user's curriculum.
We provide notes related to user-facing items or significant developments that will impact our users' overall experience of the site.
Routine updates and system upgrades are not listed.
August EdTech Content Update
Mathematics Question Items Released
Grade 8
13. Decimals - 1. Ordering & comparing decimals
Converting simplified fractions into decimals
19. Transformation geometry - 3. Rotations & enlargements
Calculate the length of a side of a triangle after an enlargement (or reduction)
Enlarging or reducing a rectangle about the origin
Area of a rectangle before and after an enlargement (or reduction)
Perimeter of a rectangle before and after an enlargement (or reduction)
Grade 9
14. Algebraic expressions (Part 2): factorisation - 3. Simplifying algebraic fractions
Adding algebraic fractions with numerical denominators
Multiplying algebraic fractions
18. Transformation geometry- 1. Translations
Identify the translated shape
Describe the translation, given coordinates of a point and its image
Grade 10 (also in Exam Prep Grade 10)
5. Trigonometry (Part 1) - 4. Solving trigonometric equations
Pythagoras theorem in complex diagrams
13. Measurements - 2. Right prisms and cylinders
Surface area of a cylinder
Release - 29 August 2024
Internal maintenance and upgrades.
Released the configuration for the 2024 #1MillionMaths Campaign in South Africa which takes place during October.
Release - 20 August 2024
Internal maintenance and upgrades.
We've fixed a bug that caused an error on the learner report.
We've added subject and grade context to question items, this means that we can now surface different versions of the same template depending on the subject or grade context in which the question item is being completed - i.e. an item created for grade 10 Mathematicss could be surfaced to grade 8 learners with simplified content.
Release - 7 August 2024
Practice Algorithm Update
An updated version of our Practice algorithm will now be experienced by all learners. This new version identifies when a learner is struggling in a specific section and then can serve remedial content linked to that section or even targeted remediation content where learners are struggling with one specific question.
Remedial content is predmoninantly available in Mathematics Grade 8 for South Africa's CAPS curriculum at this time.
2025 Teacher Pricing Updated

Minor Updates
Internal maintenance and upgrades.
We've added an alert message to the teacher verification request page to inform them that new verification requests may be delayed.
July EdTech Content Update
Ghanaian Curriculum Update

Learners are now able to select the new Ghanaian curriculum when signing up or updating their profile information. The curriculum alignment has been completed for these subject-grade/level combinations:
Basic 7 (Junior High School 1)
Basic 8 (Junior High School 2)
Basic 9 (Junior High School 3)
Mathematics Question Items Released
Grade 8
Decimals - Ordering & comparing decimals
Tenths on the number line
Hundredths on the number line
Transformation geometry - Translations
Translate a rectangle
Transformation geometry - Reflections
Reflecting a rectangle about the x- or y-axis
Reflect a triangle about the x- or y-axis
Release - 31 July 2024
Internal maintenance and upgrades.
Siyavula curated assignments now correctly show Siyavula as the assignment sender.
We've fixed a bug that would cause curated assignments sent to grade classes to be recorded as a "real" class in the database.
New curriculum, Ghana is live!
Release - 24 July 2024
Curated Assignments
Users have had access to a link to share an assignment with someone else, but we have recently been finalising a set of assignments that many teachers have found useful and so we are making them more broadly available.
These assignments have either been created by our team or curated by our team. The new Curated Assignments feature allows users who can send assignments to send these pre-created, curated assignments to their classes. These assignments can be found by clicking on the Curated Assignments button on the Assignment Sneding page

We will add to this list of assignments over time. To start off with, they include a set of summary assessments for each chapter in the Mathematics Grade 8-12 CAPS curriculum.

Each assignment has been created to align as closely with the Senior- and FET-Phase CAPS guidelines of:
25/20% Knowledge,
45/35% Routine Procedures,
20/30% Complex Procedures, and
10/15% Problem Solving
Minor Updates
We've fixed a bug that caused a discrepancy between the teachers listed on the teacher search page between school admins and managers.
Release - 18 July 2024
Minor Updates
Internal maintenance and upgrades.
We've added the latest version of TeX Live to our services along with the legacy version.
Release - 10 July 2024
Kenyan Shillings Supported
We've updated live preview to display shilling decimal separators for Kenya.
Minor Updates
Internal maintenance and upgrades.
Release - 3 July 2024
Minor Updates
Internal maintenance and upgrades.
We've fixed a bug that would re-trigger the move on message when practising a question for which it had been surfaced before even though other templates were practised in between.
We've fixed the section numbering sequence of CAPS Physical Sciences Grade 10 - Electric circuits.
We've fixed a bug that caused question browsing to not surface templates according to the user's curriculum.
Updated on: 03/09/2024
Thank you!