Teach 2 Reach

Siyavula’s #Teach2Reach campaign is back for the second year! #Teach2Reach aims to provide teachers with the resources and support they need to help them reach goals as they incorporate Siyavula into their teaching practice.
This teacher campaign, exclusively for our premium clients, runs from 2 May to 2 June.
How Teach2Reach works
Teachers will be guided on the activity and use case for each week based on a given theme.
We will host weekly webinars on Wednesdays at 15h00.
Teachers can also text the Siyavula WhatsApp line privately on 083 598-1624 to share their best practices throughout the campaign.
We will award weekly participation prizes as we track your activity and engagement with us.
We are excited, and look forward to engaging with you over the next five weeks!
How to participate
Connect via WhatsApp
We will provide weekly updates in our WhatsApp group, where you will receive updates exclusively from the Siyavula team. Teachers may be asked to share their best practices and can send queries privately to the Siyavula team via WhatsApp. Please click here to connect to the #Teach2Reach WhatsApp group.
Weekly themes
Week 1 | 1- 5 May
New navigation & learner registration
The first important step is to become familiar with the new navigation.
The second step is to ensure learners are registered and have redeemed their class access codes.
Goal: at least 85% registration in all classes and across grades.
Week 2 | 8- 12 May
Revision & lesson
This theme will discuss the various use cases you can integrate into your teaching cycle. This includes how to use Siyavula to browse questions, how to set work for your learners and how to check that work.
Week 3 | 15-19 May
Practice for consolidation
This theme will show you how to help your learners practice to improve their mastery, after you have taught new content, with the aim of consolidating their new knowledge. You will also find out how your learners can use Past papers on Siyavula to prepare for their exams.
Goal: have 70% or more learner activity in every class and across grades.
Week 4 | 22- 26 May
Creating Assessments
This theme will guide you on how to create various assessments to check your learners’ knowledge & understanding of the content you have taught, and asked them to practice.
Week 5 | 29 May- 2 June
Checking Reports
This theme will show how to view different reports that provide you data and insights into your learners’ performance. It will also highlight the significance of viewing learner reports once assessments have been completed.
Presentation (coming soon)
Updated on: 07/06/2023
Thank you!