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Siyavula Campaigns
All about the campaigns we run for learners, such as #1MillionMaths, #HeadSTARt, and the GDE Olympiad.
Headstart Terms and Conditions
Rules for the Headstart campaign The campaign will start on Monday 10 February 2025, and end on Thursday, 13 March 2025. Learners need to opt in to Headstart, to be eligible for prizes. If a learner has already opted in to participate in our national leaderboards, they will automatically be opted in to Headstart. The competition will reward both Maths and Science practice. To be eligible for a prize, learners must be in their correct grade. Learners m
How the #1MillionMaths campaign works
How Siyavula's annual #1MillionMaths campaign for Mathematics and Physical Sciences works
The rules of the #1MillionMaths campaign
Rules for Siyavula's #1MillionMaths Mathematics and Physical Sciences campaign
Some readers
How to opt in to the #1MillionMaths campaign
How to opt in to Siyavula's #1MillionMaths campaign
Few readers
GDE Olympiad
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