Articles on: Pre-created assessments

How learners can take the baseline assessment

To take the baseline assessment, a student needs to sign up or log-in to Siyavula and enter the correct code into the Jump to content box.

Jump to content box

Wait 5 minutes for the assignment to be sent to you

The learner homepage will look like this
Wait for 5 minutes for the baseline assignment to appear on your homepage
You can refresh by clicking on the Siyavula circle

How to open the baseline assignment

After 5 minutes look for the baseline assessment under your Assignments
Click on the 'Start' button to open the baseline assignment


Alternatively, you can enter the shortcode for the assignment:
If you can't see the assignment under your assignments, you can still open the baseline
Find the "Jump to content" box on your homepage

You can enter the code for the assignment in the **Jump to content** box

Find the relevant shortcodes for the baselines in the table below:

Grade 8G8-MB1
Grade 9G9-MB1
Grade 10G10-MB1

To start the baseline for a specific grade, students type the shortcode into the Jump to content box.
For example, to access the Grade 8 Mathematics baseline, a student will type "G8-MB1" into the Jump to content box and then click Go!

How to answer the questions

Type the answer into the box and click "Check answer"

If your answer is incorrect you'll be asked "Are you sure?" before you have to put in your final answer.
This gives you a chance to decide whether to adjust your answer or click Check answer

If your answer is marked incorrect, you can try it again by selecting Try an exercise like this again

If you can't correctly answer the question after two tries, or if. you've answered it correctly, move to the next question by selecting Go to next exercise.

Continue until you've completed all 50 questions of the baseline assessment.

Updated on: 15/03/2023

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