Our menu structure
Your new menu
Over the years we’ve added plenty of new features to Siyavula.com, and our website menu got more cluttered and harder to navigate - a bit like that drawer in your kitchen where you can never find the thing you need!
Based on research conducted with 35 of our teachers, we have restructured our site around your typical daily teaching needs, making it easier to find what you want, when you want it.
Thank you to all of you who took the time to help us streamline our site!
The new items, just for teachers
You'll see three new items on your main menu when you log in:
Set work: everything to do with setting assignments and looking for questions will be in one place
Check work: All your reports will be together, so it'll be quicker and simpler to compare classes and check learners' work
Class admin: Anything to do with managing your class and learners will be in one easy-to-find section

How this makes it easier for you to work on our site
Our menu now looks the same, whether you're using a phone or your computer.
The menu is arranged vertically and grouped into sensible categories making it easy to expand and scroll to what you want without losing your place. No more slipping as you hover over something and having to start over again!
Once you’ve navigated your way to the page you want, you can see it highlighted as active in your menu so that you can remember where it is and find it again easily.
Here’s where your learners can find some of their favourite things:
It’s quick to select the subject and grade they want to work on, without navigating back and forth.
My assignments, Learner self-evaluation, My report and My certificate are all easy to find in the menu.
Looking for Exam Prep? It’s now labelled Past Papers.
Learners can find out more about our My Future programme and post-school partner organisations by clicking on Learner Opportunities.
If you want to update your profile information, simply click on your name where it appears at the bottom of the menu panel.
Updated on: 16/05/2023
Thank you!