The menu structure: Check work
What is the new CHECK WORK item on your menu?
This is where you can find all your learner reports in one place, so it'll be quicker and simpler to compare classes and check learners' work.

To find your reports
Click on Check work on your menu to expand it.
Listed under each grade you’ll find all of your classes if you’re on our Premium Plan, as well as one marked Whole grade: Mathematics (for example).
The name of any learner who signs up on Siyavula and indicates they’re at your school and in this grade will show up listed in the grade, regardless of which other classes they might also be linked to.
Click on one of these and you’ll notice tabs appear at the top of the page. You can use these to toggle between the different kinds of reports available for this class. See what each report is about below.
You’ll also notice that the class you’re currently viewing is highlighted in the menu panel on the left. Simply click on a different class if you want to see performance data for them instead.
About the different reports

Learner performance report
This is the new name for the Summary report, and is a snapshot of how your class is doing.
It is useful for you to look at trends in class performance and see where you can help.
You can click on a learner's name to see their individual performance report.
Topic performance report
This is where you’ll find what used to be called the Question report.
The report is useful for diagnosing which specific concepts your class is struggling with, as a whole or individually.
Assignment performance report
Assignment performance allows you to see the results of a particular set of pre-chosen questions. What is available here will differ based on your plan.
On a Free Plan - You’ll see the reports for assignments Siyavula has made available to all learners, such as a baseline assessment.
On an Explorer Plan - Reports for the assignments you or your colleagues created and sent to the grade as a whole.
On our Premium Plan - Reports for assignments you set and sent to a specific class or classes, as well as those sent to a whole grade.
Practice dashboard
Use the Practice Dashboard if you’ve asked your learners to work on content across multiple grades.
Class leaderboard
Your class leaderboard is useful if you like to drum up a bit of competition among your learners.
Watch this short video to see how to check learners' work using the new navigation menu
Updated on: 16/05/2023
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