The menu structure: Class Admin
What is the new CLASS ADMIN item on your menu?
This will give you easy access to managing your learners and classes on Siyavula.

The class admin function is available to teachers on an Explorer or Premium plan only.
What Class Admin includes
Click on Class admin in your menu panel to expand it.
Class settings will allow you to change the class’s name, grade and subject as well as the number of learners you estimate should be in it. (This will help you track what percentage of your learners has successfully registered and been linked to the class.)
Manage class is where you control who is linked to a class, and reset passwords for learners who have locked themselves out of their accounts.
Class access codes are handy for communicating to your learners so they can link themselves. Find the code for the right class here, write it up on the board to text it to them and then ask them to click on the pink tile at the bottom of their home page to enter it.

Watch this short video on how to manage your classes using the new navigation menu
Updated on: 16/05/2023
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