What is Siyavula question bank (Browse questions)?
What is Siyavula's question bank?
All the questions on Siyavula Practice can be found in our question bank. These are free for any teacher with a Siyavula account to browse and use.
Where to find Siyavula's question bank
Once you log in to Siyavula teacher account, you can find the question bank by:
Clicking on Set work on the navigation menu on the left
Clicking on Browse questions.
You can then choose to look at the Mathematics or Physical Sciences questions.

How the question bank is organised
The question bank is organised by grade and subject to make it easy for you to find the content you are looking for. You can also filter the questions by:
Difficulty level: All questions are rated according to their difficulty level. Each question is ranked as either basic, easy, medium or hard.

Examining Body (IEB or DBE): Although they share a curriculum, the Independent Board of Examiners (IEB) and the Department of Basic Education (DBE) have different guidelines on how learners should be examined on certain content. Our questions are tagged as IEB or DBE questions, or suitable for both.

Language (English and Afrikaans): All questions in our question bank are available in English. however, all grade 8 and 9 questions are also available in Afrikaans.

How to view the questions
View the actual question by clicking on its title.

Once you click on the question title, you will see on the left the language the question is available in, examining board, level of difficulty of the question and the Siyavula question ID.
In the middle, you will see the actual question and the instructions on how to write the answer.

At the bottom you can:
View other versions of the same question
try the question yourself by clicking on Do this question. The question will open on the other tab.
You can also share the question with your class, individual learners, or other teachers via WhatsApp by clicking the Share on WhatsApp button.
Ways to use the question bank
There are many ways you can use our question bank to support your teaching. Here are a few ideas:
Project a question to explain a concept in class.
Project a question for learners to work out either individually, in pairs or as a group, and write in their workbooks.
Give learners a question (or questions) to do on their dashboard.
Updated on: 20/10/2023
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