Assignment Performance Report
How to analyse and interpret the Assignment report
For every assignment that a teacher sends on Siyavula, there is an assignment report that shows the results of the performance of the learners. The assignment report gives detailed results on the class's performance on each question as well as the individual learner's attempts on each question.
To view the assignment report
Log in to your teacher account.
Click on Assignment on either the class or the grade that you are linked to.

The list of assignments sent to that class or grade will appear.
Select the assignment report you want to view by clicking on the title of the assignment.

Once you have opened the assignment, you can:
Download the results of the assignment in an Excel format by clicking on Download on the top right.
Click on change to personalise the report

You can click on change to adjust the report if maybe your assignment had a due date, and learners completed the assignment after the due date!

Scroll down to see the information about the assignment:
Who created the assignment
The start and due date of the assignment
Number of questions in the assignment and the average difficulty level of the questions.
Overall results show the average completion rate and average results, as a percentage, of the entire class.

Results by learner shows how much of the assignment each learner has completed, and the overall result, both given as percentages. Each learner’s name is a link to that individual. You can click on the learner's name to view the individual report of that learner.

Results by question shows the section from which the question was taken, the title of the question, and the question’s difficulty level. It shows how many learners attempted each question (as a percentage), and the average result per question (as a percentage). You can click on the name of the question in order to view the question.

Result by section shows which chapter the section is in, and the class average result per section, as a percentage.

Summary of learner attempts shows a detailed report of the results per question and how many times a learner attempted the question. The number of attempts are written in brackets.

Click on heatmap to see the progress of learners that is represented in different colours. Green represents outstanding performance, brown represents poor performance.

How to view the report of an individual learner
If you want to download of view the report of an individual learner:
Open the desired assignment report and scroll down to Results by learner
Click on the learner's name

The individual learner assignment report contains the following information:
Title of assignment
The surname of the teacher who created the assignment
The date of when the assignment was created or updated,
The number of questions it contains, and
The average difficulty of the assignment.

Overall results: showing how much of the assignment the learner completed (as a percentage), as well as the result (as a percentage).

Results by question: in this table, you can see the following information:
The chapter and section from which the assignment questions were taken
The links to the questions that are asked in the assignment
The difficulty level of each question
Variability: showing whether the question is dynamic or static
How many attempts the learner made on each question, and the number marked correct
An average mark for each section, as a percentage

This report can be downloaded by clicking the DOWNLOAD button on the top right of your screen. The report is downloaded as an Excel spreadsheet.
You can choose how to measure your learners' efforts:
Because learners can try questions multiple times, the assignment report allows you to calculate the final result of the assignment as:
The average of all attempts made for each question; or
The result only from the last attempt made on each question.
You can also choose how to calculate the final average result of the assignment by:
Counting all questions in the assignment; or
Counting only the questions that the learner tried.
If you’d given a due date to the assignment, you can also choose whether or not to include questions answered outside the dates given for the assignment.
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Updated on: 12/12/2023
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