Articles on: Siyavula for learners

My learner dashboard

Learner Home Page

Click on Practice Maths or Practice Science

At the top of your learner practice dashboard, you'll see:

Your current grade (if this is wrong, you can change it by going to profile icon and updating your details)
Your "set a goal" box, where you can set a practice goal for the week

Setting a weekly goal is a great idea to keep you practising regularly! Here are the instructions on how to set weekly goal.

Your learner dashboard

Remember that you can practise any grade on Siyavula. You can go back to earlier grades to catch up on work you may want to revise - and you can even work ahead! To practise from a different grade, simply follow the Choose different grade link at the top of your learner dashboard.

Your table of contents

The table of contents shows all the chapters in the grade curriculum, just as you would see it in your textbook. Each chapter is then divided into smaller sections. It's time to start practising!

Start by choosing one section. Practise one section at a time, before moving to the next section. Once you’ve mastered all the sections in a chapter, go back and select the whole chapter to practise at once.

At first, you will get easier questions, but as you get these right, the questions will become harder. This will help you build your knowledge and skills, and allows you to work at your own pace.

As you get questions right, your stars will start to light up. These are your mastery stars, and show that you are understanding the topic. The goal is to fill up all your stars in each section!

Your table of contents

You can learn more here about how to practice on Siyavula

Updated on: 12/10/2023

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