Assignments setting
How to set assignment on Siyavula
Siyavula’s assignment-setting feature allows you to choose the questions you’d like your learners to practise. You can use them for homework, revision or assignments and don’t need to create your own content.
Using assignments means that you:
Can easily find the questions you want your learners to practise, in one place
Can choose questions from different grades
Don’t have to mark learners’ work - our system does it all for you
Can immediately see where learners are struggling, and the areas where they need help
How to set an assignment
Log in to your Teacher dashboard
Click on Set work on the navigation
Click on Assignments

You can create a new assignment by clicking on either Mathematics or Physical Sciences

Once you’ve selected the subject, you will see the classes you are linked to.
Select the class you’d like to send an assignment to by clicking on the box next to the class name. You can also select one or multiple classes.
Give your assignment a name. For example, Grade 11: Statistics (homework). We suggest including the content in the name so you can keep track of your assignments easily.

You can also click on different filters to personalise the assignment. These filters include difficulty level, examining body, Language.
Then click on the question bank you want to select questions from. For example, Everything Maths, Grade 11.

You can select assignment questions across the grades. For example, you can set a Grade 11 assignment and select questions from Grade 10 content, or you could set a Grade 12 assignment with a mixture of Grade 11 and 12 questions. Please note that Siyavula’s practice service is aligned to the CAPS curriculum.
Once you have clicked on the grade you want to select questions from, the list of all topics in that grade will appear.
Click on a section or topic for a list of all the questions in that section, with their different difficulty levels.

Click on the subsection for a list of questions to appear.
Click on any question title to see what kind of questions your learners will see.
Select the question by ticking on the box on the top right. Please note that you can select as many questions as you like.

Our program is able to create many versions of the same question, so learners can practise more than one example of a question. If you want to see more versions then click on the green “View another version” button.

Select the questions you want to send your learners by clicking on the check box on the right-hand side of the question.
Once you have selected your questions, click on schedule on the top right.

Personalise your assignment by selecting a start and/or a due date.
Once you’ve scheduled your assignment, click on Send Now. The assignment will only appear in your learners’ assignment box on the start date.
You can also choose to save your assignment as a Draft. This will allow you to add or delete questions at a later stage.

The order in which you select the questions will be the order that which your learners will see the questions in the assignment.
Draft, scheduled, and sent assignments
You can see the report for any assignment that was sent to one of your classes by yourself or another teacher. You can even reuse and share these assignments!
Once you click on Set work and assignments, scroll down a bit to see:
These are assignments that you’ve created but have not yet sent out. To work on a draft assignment, click on Use on the right-hand side, and you’ll be able to add or delete questions to the assignment. You can then send it to your class(es) or save it again as a draft.
Select and then delete drafts that you no longer plan to use.
If you have lots of drafts, you can search within them.

These are assignments that are scheduled but have not yet gone out to your learners. Once the start date is reached, a scheduled assignment will move to the Sent Assignments table.
It shows when the assignment will be sent to learners.
It also shows the due date of the assignment.

All the assignments that you have previously sent to your learners will appear under Sent Assignments
You can see how your learners did on the assignment and how many of them completed it on the assignment report. To view this, click on View in the report column.
Share assignments you’ve created with other teachers
Share assignment link with your learners by copying the link or by email or by Whatsapp.
Reuse your old assignments
View the reports of your sent assignments

Even if you’ve given a due date to an assignment, learners can still complete the assignment after the due date has passed. You can choose whether to include work done:Only before the due date has passed or before and after the due date has passed.
How learners receive an assignment
Learners will see their latest assignments on their home page. It will show whether the assignment has been started, or whether they still have to start the assignment.
Learners can click on their latest assignments to go straight to that assignment.

Click on View all assignments to see any assignments that still need to be completed are in the “Current Assignments” table.
There is also a table for past assignments, which shows those that are either complete or where the due date has passed.

Here are some ways in which you can use assignments to support your teaching objectives:
1. Full check for understanding:
Dedicate a maths or science lesson to Siyavula practice, to revise a section you have already taught by setting an assignment.
You can choose the questions you want your learners to try
Answers are immediately marked, with full solutions, so learners can see where they’re going wrong
2. Assignments for homework:
Create a Siyavula assignment for your learners to do as part of their homework.
Answers are immediately marked, with full solutions, so learners can see where they’re going wrong
Students can’t copy because everybody receives an equivalent but unique version.
You save time because our system checks and tracks homework completion
3. Informal assessments:
Use Siyavula for an informal test during class or at home. You can schedule it and select how marks get awarded.
You can schedule deadlines for the assessment.
Learners cannot copy from one another because every student gets a unique but equivalent version of a question
You save time because answers are marked and downloadable reports are generated automatically
For more information about setting an assignment on Siyavula, contact us at
Updated on: 25/10/2023
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