How to redeem a class access code
Redeeming your class access code
If your school has signed up for Siyavula Premium Teacher Package, your teacher will share with you their class access code.
What is Siyavula access code?
Siyavula access code is made up of four words that are randomly generated by Siyavula whenever a unique class is created for a teacher on Siyavula platform.
Follow these easy steps on how to redeem an access code:
Log in on your Siyavula learner account
Once you land on your Learner home page, scroll down

Click on Link to a class (highlighted in pink, under My Profile)

Your teacher should share the access code with you. How to find and share an access code as a teacher
NB: The first word should be written in the AAAA block, second BBBB, etc..
Type in the the access code, each word in each block respectively.
Click on Submit Access Code

Then click on Activate. If you are supposed to be linked to more than one class eg. Mathematics and Physical Sciences classes, you can click on Activate and redeem another code

Learn more about how to redeem the access code by watching this video
Updated on: 05/10/2023
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