How to sign up as a teacher
To sign up on Siyavula as a teacher, follow these easy steps:
Visit our Siyavula website at
Click on Sign up for a free account under Siyavula for teachers
Great news! Siyavula is now available in English and Afrikaans

On the Let's get started page, select that you are signing up as a teacher.
You can sign-up using any of the extensions listed (Facebook, Snapplify, Clever, Microsoft or Google) or you can select either your email address or Phone number.

Enter your personal details :
Password (create a new password)
email address or Mobile number or both.
Click on continue

On the Last step page:
You can fill in your SACE and Persal numbers (optional)
Select the subject (s) you teach
Start typing in the name of your school and select it from the list when it appears.
Click on Save details

You will land on your Teacher Dashboard!

Scroll down and under Registered learners at your school, click on Verify me to be able to see your learners’ information.

NB: As a teacher, you can link, unlink and transfer learners a class. You can also reset a learners password and share access codes.
Learn more about how to sign-up on Siyavula as a teacher by watching this video.
Updated on: 29/09/2023
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